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The power of rough edges

Perfection is a cheap caricature of style. 37 Signals about boring, boxed-in web design and the alternative!

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SEO Salaries - How Much Should You Make

SEOmoz on a tough and contentious issue and one that isn't easy for to write about; SEO Salaries

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HTML Emails - Taming the Beast

Should you use CSS or (horror of horrors) tables? And what do you do when images are blocked?

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CSS Swag: Multi-Column Lists

Multi-column lists: can't live with 'em, can't achieve perfect bliss without 'em.

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CSS Equal Columns Height script

A DOM script to equalize the height of a CSS columns layout.

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The Art of Projections in a Dotcom 2.0 World

Guy Kawasaki and 11 part break-down that is a must read on ways to create realistic projections

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Drag N’ Validate

Mike Davidson on: Ever find yourself debugging XHTML via your browser's View Source command?

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Is it time for a Web OS yet?

Parakey, a Web operating system that can do everything an OS can do

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